R, forty-one, is not too stable, prone to deep depressions, waves of anxiety and hours of scattered thinking. He is often unable to decide if he should brush his teeth or comb his hair, but he came into today's session wearing a more positive, hopeful expression. When The Therapist inquired about the origin of his postive mood, R explained that he realized that although he was still generally feeling pretty rotten, now he was beginning to see some signs that something may be changing. A while ago he began taking all of his medications, and doing so in the manner that they have been prescribed, instead of just taking a handful every once in a while. Since he has begun his new regiment he said that he now experiences moments when he feels he is improving. He sometimes reaches the point at whcih he often feels nothing at all. But, the most important thing, he concluded after considerable consideration, was that this was just the beginning.
"Well," responed The Therapist, "we have been working together for four months, and you do seem to have made some improvement. You leave your apartment now. You can shop and cook, and even go downstairs to visit you mother for short periods of time."
"Yes," responded R, but look at all my medications. I am just starting out. I take Atavan for my anxiety, Abilify for my thoughts, Ambien so I can sleep, Amytriptyline for my depression and Aderoll for my ADHD. I also have Allegra for my allergies and Alieve for the pains I get from taking all these pills.. Although these have helped me only slightly, I still have the rest of the alphabet to go."
(More on this will come soon)
LOL...don't know if this is factual or not, but either way, he's got a point!
Hahaha. I agree with skinny with I wonder if this is factual, but it is definitely true that people with disorders tend to not be med compliant even though the meds do help them.
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