Monday, February 27, 2012

Win an Oscar

I looked at the list of nominees for The Best Picture of 2011.  It was a long list of meaningful movies.  Many of them had important messages, some more subtle than others. 

These messages are not new.  They keep coming around and around.  I think of them often myself.
 They are the basic themes of 56% of the novels, movies, documentaries and philisophical essays.

   The creativity is in finding new, somewhat relevant, clever ways to present them.

Ideas that always get attention:

1. The world is tough for humans to negotiate

2. Most people mean well, but are flawed
         A. Given a chance they will be selfish and greedy before they are compassionate and altruistic.
         B. Some people believe that this is the way it is and we should all do the best we can for ourselves.
         C. Others believe that we can, and should overcome our more base instincts and cooperate, so we can all live better.

3. The world is generally run by assholes
Most people want to live their lives, watch TV, get laid, Hang with friends, get a buzz on, and be left alone to do that.

The people who need to “Be someone” and have something to prove are the ones with the commitment and energy to get stuff done.  Most of them are narcissistic, ego-maniacal or have some kind of missionary zeal.  Not good.

This has always been so: crazy kings, crazy generals, crazy prophets, crazy clerics, crazy industrial tycoons, crazy bankers.

 People get sucked into thinking that these guys (and most of them are guys) are heroes. They are often charming and charismatic, but their ideas are usually about how “we are better than them” and how we should fight, steal, swindle, pound, drive away, or even kill “them.”
It almost always ends in pain and suffering for those who got sucked in, and even for those who weren’t paying attention.

4. Relationships are always difficult.

Anyone, especially those you love, won’t always do what you want him or her to do, so it pisses you off because they should.  It would make your life better

If you do find someone who always does what you want, you immediately realize that they have no judgment of their own, that they are lesser, and you punish them for it.

Almost everyone wants to fuck someone else, at least some of the time, and many, many people do.
--- and when they do it’s special, unique and they should be forgiven. But that won’t come easily.  People like to act surprised and to judge.

So now that task is to take those ideas as jumping off points and meld them into one story.  If I do that I may be able to explain all this in a way the world can understand, and that will bring about an amazing transformation of thought and action.

Of course there is this play called Julius Caesar.  ……. Or Caesar and Cleopatra, or something called Hamlet, or…….

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