Friday, December 21, 2012

What the NRA mean

I think i am paraphrasing here, but this is the jist of what the NRA said today:

The nice old guy

in the blue uniform

with the gun in his holster

making $8 an hour

in the school entry way

will be honored as a hero

after the first bullets from the high-velocity automatic weapon

pass through him.

And then we will have the funerals for the rest of the children.


KathyA said...

This is brilliant! Wish the WASHINGTON POST would pick it up. If you have a Facebook account, please consider posting it there.

Bilbo said...

Kathy steered me to this post, which is superb! Very well said, and sure to be totally overlooked in the general hue and cry. Well done!

Forsythia said...

Well put! Let's see now. Too many guns floating around out there--that's not the problem. According to the NRA, the problem is that not enough "good" people are carrying guns. Also, the violence in American society is due to the violence in movies, videos games, mental illness, etc etc etc. Everyone and everything except for the good ol' NRA. Looks like "NRA" stands for "Not Really Answerable."

Lena said...

Very well put.