I have been very busy, and when I'm not busy being busy I have been busy answering the literally hundreds of questions I have received from around the world. They mostly have been about how to get along with a significant other or how to find meaning in life.
I mean, good luck with those. I will post my answers more often than I have been, I hope, if I'm not busy.
But right now I have to make a brief comment about the obvious: The U.S. government is fucked-up. But I don't want to spread the blame equally, I think that 94% of it goes to the right-wing wing nuts who feel that spending money to keep middle class and poor people healthy and financially solvent is the worst thing that a government can do. But now they seem to have changed their mind about what they are upset about, and it seems to be that now they are upset because everyone can see they are a bunch of sore-loser blowhards who backed themselves in a corner and the President is pointing this out.
They thought they would be clever and hold the world up for ransom, and they still might. But hopefully, this is another step in the beginning of the end of those who feel that the purpose of the United States is for white men to make as much money as they can, any way they can. I know that five members of the Supreme Court still believe that, so that will cause more trouble, but most of the country is turning away from that.
Obamacare is a huge social program, and it is the beginning of a slide toward government health care. That will prove to be widely accepted and greatly appreciated. I do believe that everyone should be on Medicare, and then be allowed by buy their own supplemental plan, and that something like that is thirty years away, but maybe sooner. For in twenty years most of the Tea Party will be in nursing homes trying to vote for Ronald Reagan again. By then the video game generation, who seem to be the kind of folks who care about each other collectively, if they are not blowing each other away and stealing each other's cars, will take for grantedthe benefits of universal health care, and not mind paying more taxes for it.
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