Friday, October 13, 2006


Cell phones have been a great technoligical advance. People now stay connected all the time. They walk around looking like mental patients of old; passiontely expressing themselves out into thin air.

But, if you are in a crazy, emeshed, jealous and/or possessive relationship then cell phone can enhance you world exponentially. It once was that lovers had to sit by the phone hoping it would ring. Or, when they called and no one was home they would either have to wait longingly, or drive around and search suspected hideaways. But now they know their lover has his/her phone with them all the time. If the call goes to voicemail something is wrong. They can keep calling or take the next step and start the text-message barrage. Some people would rather text-message anyway, just to be able to make a point without beign interruped.

Quick messages such as: "I love you, I miss you." are always meaningful
I need you now"

or the more inquiring: "Where are you?"
followed by "Are you with her?"

"I can't answer the phone becasue I'm having sex." is a good response.
(there are many variations of this that I don't need to post here, but you can imagine)

A good one is the always entertaining: "I have a gun to my head, if you don't answer the phone I will pull the trigger."
with variations like
" While waiting for your call I've just taken my sixteeth Xanex."

Picture phones can add to the intensity. You can be asked to prove wher you are, as in, "You told me you were at your brother's, show me your brother." or, the more pointed: "You didn't your sister would do me, well here she is, naked in my bed." that often leads to the end of a relatonship --- or murder.

You see, texting can be fun. But the of the new technologies are caller ID and The call log.
Many clandestine connections have been exposed by the foolish act of leaving one's cell-pone unguarded while going to the bathroom.

The evidence is there, you did call her, or she called you, twenty times in two days.

How many times can someone say "I only called her back to tell her to stop calling me," and still be believed. Really, one is too many.

So, take advantage of all the new technologies. They can certainly escalate the torment and torture of the kind of deeply twisted realtionship that so many people seem to crave. Soon, we will be able to have our own video feeds shining on us every moment.

We can all be the stars of our own soap operas. Constant, total, personal Reality TV at it's finest. The ultimate goal of so many Americans.


TGS said...

Hello, Therapist,

Please give us some more of your posts. They are very interesting to read!


skinnylittleblonde said...

UGh...reminds me of the 16 y.o. girl here who drove head on, killing a young mother & injuring her children, last week when she got upset at her mother on the cell phone. Before she drove head-first into this innocenet women she text-messaged a female friend that she was also upset with, stating that she was going to kill her self. Then, she sent 10 messages '10' '9' '8'...