This is one of those posts that is over-condensed, but it would take about 107 pages to say all of it:
As I said in my last post, Carol's boyfriend died in her arms. Before that her life had been terrible. She had a schizophrenic father, one of her brother's lied, which sent her other brother to jail. Her marriage was awful, her kids have terrible problems and she is almost out of money. Now her boyfriend is dead.
Rick has had so many terrible things happen to him, from being raped as a kid, to having his stable wife of 22 years begin to visit her neighbor and end up a coke addict. That led to his daughter being placed in a foster home where she got molested. That is only about 30% of what he has endured.
Jennette's husband stopped working and would't come out of the basement. She tried everything for years, and finally ended up having an affair. She decided to leave for her new boyfriend but he died on his motorcycle. She left anyway and two years later met a nice guy. She came back to see me because he has cancer.
I could list fifty more examples without taking a breath.
What is my point?
When things go badly, they're likely to get worse. It is very difficult to reverse a downward spiral. And when you are sick or tired, or broke and stressed, that makes more bad things happen.
When things get really bad, just go in the house lock the door and stay there for a month. Then start all over.
That's the short version.
I am sure that you must really feel this way when you spend your days having to listen to and see lives such as this. You are bound to believe that when things go bad, they are going to get worse.
I don't believe that is always the case. Not everyone lives the life of Jobe and I think you really do know that. The only thing I wish I knew and maybe you DO know is why is one life like you describe, and the next life so entirely different?
I have just endured a horrific year of death,debt,family abandonment and cancer. I'm a mid 40's, single,female. Fuck it. I have grit. I shall overcome. This is life. Just live every moment and plug on.
What else?
Keep doing what you do, doc. I don't do the whole therapy thing but I get why it is necessary.
And while you are hanging out behind the locked door, figure out how to look your worse case senario right in the face and ask it what you are suppose to learn from it. Then do your darnest to do just that. Make the choice to be a survivor and not a victim.
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