Friday, January 22, 2010

The Supremes

The new boys have spoken. It seems that Mr. Roberts couldn't get there fast enough to do his big corporate buddies a favor and turn the apparatus of government over to them. And where was Clarence!!

Let's be clear about this. For those of you Socialists who ran around thinking that Freedom here in Amerika means that Individuals have rights to their own thoughts, speech and actions, and to elect their own representatives -- well no wonder you guys can't even run Cuba.

Freedom means that American Corporations are free to make as much money as possible. That is what is in their charter. It is also clear that if anything as repulsive as an elected government should do anything to limit that freedom, well corporations have the god-given right to spend whatever it takes to change that government. Government should do nothing to obstruct that freedom.

It is the duty, right and privilege of every American citizen to buy whatever it is the corporation is selling, whether it is a bad mortgage, highly sedating drugs, an expensive insurance policy that may not pay the benefit, a credit card with a 33% interest rate, an SUV that gets 14 mpg, a crib that could chop your child's head off, a Big Mac, a Whooper, or an entrepreneurial woman in Las Vegas.

America is about the money. The freedom of those who have it to get keep getting more of it. Anything that gets in the way of that goal is Socialism. And that is BAD. As bad as a Clemson loss in a bowl game.

Buy stock in United Health Care. They will own at least five Senators.

1 comment:

Alie said...

Basically if health care reform doesn't get passed this year, it NEVER WILL. EVER.