Monday, September 08, 2008

more discussion

It seems that, among others, we have a "Right-Wing-Radio-Republican" in our midst. There are hordes of people who have been out there for over twenty years now who have decided that the best way to enter into a political discussion is to scream, slander, debase, and just throw all kinds of hyperbolic charges at the opposition. It's the "all Democrats are dangerous," and "Liberalism is a disease" type of argument that only leads to greater divisions in the country. Everyone says they are against it untle they realize that it takes only 270 electoral votes to win.

But, as we can see from the last two Presidential elections, it works. Perhaps a lie is still a lie no matter how many times you say it, but then how many people still believe that Saddam Hussein had anything to do with 911?

Now we have McCain leading the cheers for Ms. Palin, as if she has become the next American Idol. Her qualifications seem about the same, cute, popular, and can give a good scripted come-back. Ms. Palin may be strong enough to be Vice-President, but she seems to be a kept hot-house flower who is not allowed to speak for herself without a card to read.

Once again, it's great theater. How many times can we run the 9/11 movie?

Obama must be amazed that McCain can flip from being the "experience" guy to being the "new change guy" just because he says so. Who has time to really see if it means anything when you really are worrying about making the next mortgage payment?

Oh, and on health-care. That's the field I work in. Everyday I see how intrusive, wasteful, inefficient, insensitive and expensive our "free-market" system is. It is designed to make people money (even me) much more than to keep people healthy.


Anonymous said...

"There are hordes of people who have been out there for over twenty years now who have decided that the best way to enter into a political discussion is to scream, slander, debase, and just throw all kinds of hyperbolic charges at the opposition."

"Are people really still that afraid of Black people?"
"One thing the Republicans are very skilled at is creating symbols. "

Oh...the irony....

Amanda said...

The country I live in looks very provincial compared to the US, but scrape beneath the quaint surface and you will find an efficiency that makes the US look like a Banana republic in comparison.

It's by no means perfect, but everything works, on time. Almost everyone has health-coverage, and even the people on the "medicare" kind can find top notch health-care in the smallest of cities (along with the usual bozos.)

Whatever it is about this place, it seems to be addictive. Ex-pats here love to complain about how much they miss the States, but none of us seem in a great hurry to go back.

I used to think it was because we are paying more taxes than guys over there, but from what I hear the IRS demands a pound of flesh equal to more than the one we pay here.

Yet there is no decent health-care while the gov is busy bailing banks & co every other week or so?...

Dunno. Whoever gets elected is going to need the powers of Hercules.

Amanda said...

PS. Meant to say "health-care plans."

The health care it self in the States is among the best in the world, I hear.

Synchronicity said...

I agree with what you are saying. Seems a lot of political "discussions" are turning ugly lately and downright absurd.

Shelley said...

I've been wondering for a while now when the word "liberal" became an insult. In my dictionary, it means "generous, progressive, and forward-thinking." Pretty awful stuff, wouldn't you say?