Thursday, August 30, 2007


Dick Cheney and I went out in our kayaks this morning. We were both looking for ducks. I like it when i see the ducks take off out of the marsh, sqawking and honking, with their wings flapping, as they take off into the early morning sky.

Dick likes to kill them.

I guess we have different approaches to life.

I didn't say anything about that to him this morning. Not while he still had a gun in his hand.


Amanda said...

LOL!!! Wise decision.

Jamie said...

HA HA HA HA HA...yes, I have second Amanda's was a wise choice....

josie2shoes said...

Loved it! Great end of day reason to smile. :-)

Jay M. said...

I think maybe you're the type who should be in his position instead.

Lena said...

Do you make your clients laugh a lot? Love your humor!