Monday, August 06, 2007


Very Good.

I am very pleased with all of you. I only wish you were all on Dr. Phil and we could just tell Sandy what to do AND then she would do it.

The best suggestion is to help Sam find a group home with supervision. That would be good except these things hardly exist any more, even in our relatively caring Commonwealth. I had put her in touch with the State Services for Brain Injured. After three months of phone calls a guy drove out to Sandy's house and evaluated the situation. He said, essentially, that Sam qualifies for services, but they don't have any. He said that Sam was lucky to have Sandy, and if she didn't want to take care of him, no one could blame her. Then he left.

As I mentioned, Sandy called Sam's brothers. They did not sound like a caring family. Nothing doing.

The current plan is for Sandy to save first, last and security for Sam, and find him a place where he can walk to his drug treatment program.

When he doesn't go, and calls her angry and crying, and then goes back on drugs, I will try to reassure her that she did the right thing.

Eventually, she will get over it.

We all do. (unless it is your own actual kid)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

He managed before he met her, he'll manage afterwards. Frankly I'd just dress him up and start sending him to bars. There's more women like Sandy, who are still unaware that projects can fulfill an empty life but aren't exactly sexy.