Sunday, June 01, 2008

pain 1

Wow, it's been a month. That's quite a while, even for a fading blogger like me.

Well, there was a reason, pain. I have this sciatica thing, pain, running right down my leg. It's mostly better, but it's still there. It makes it difficult to sit in a chair and type at a computer unless I sit exactly right.

I have learned a lot during this month, about myself, growing old, living with pain, and how I react.

I don't like it, this pain thing. I don't recommend it as a learning experience. But it seems now that I will survive.

It has given me insight into some of my clients, and into how no one can really tell how much pain you feel. So many people I see in my practice are sent to me because many doctors feel these people are in pain, but not THAT much pain. It's very difficult to tell.

Some people want drugs, some people want attention, some people want excuses. But many are just in pain, and it kind of sucks.

I will have a lot more to say about this. I've got to stand up now.


Anonymous said...

It's a bummer, ain't it.

Warped Mind said...

getting old sucks

Anonymous said...

please do not call yourself a fading blogger, your posts are always full of insights and it has been a pleasure reading you. I hope you will continue sharing your experiences.

Anonymous said...

Been there. Experienced that. Do yourself a favor and do physical therapy.

Amanda said...

I'm sorry to hear it T. I'm quite used to enduring mental pain, but I have no idea how I would react to chronic physical pain. I sort of hope I never have to find out...

I hope you'll keep posting too.

Patty said...

Pain management has become so important that now it is a patient's right to have their pain managed. In an assessment situation it is one of the vital signs looked at to determine how a patient is doing.

Have you tried any therapy (physical) to help you reduce your pain?