Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pain 4

Well, it's finally breaking up. The pain is abating, some flexibility is returning, my outlook is improving and there is hope on the horizon.

What is disappointing is how difficult it was to get real help, and how, in the end, I had to find it and do it myself.

So many people my age have been through this sciatica thing. Everyone has their own cure. That's mostly because, most of the time, it goes away by itself. So whatever anyone was doing at the time was what they believe in.

Because I always worked so hard to keep in shape, I really set myself up to be locked out of shape once my body shifted. I actually have spent about 20 years setting this up.

But getting help was not helpful. No one really looked at the whole picture of who I was,and what my muscles, ligaments and bones were doing. What I did for work (sit a lot), and how I worked out.

The doctor (MD) used "evidence based medicine" and recommended for me to follow the course of what most people would need. Unfortunately this course would be very slow, very expensive, involve a dozen different people, and then end up right where I am now-- stretching.

The chiropractor said rest, ice heat, which was fine in the beginning. He couldn't move my bones though, because the muscles were too tight.

The message people were great, but I can't get a message every day. They found the problem, but really didn't offer a solution.

I found all the stretches on Rebuild Your I am doing 7 stretches 5 or 6 times a day and it works.

So, I am getting my life back. I have cut my schedule of clients 10 to 20%. I am trying not to get back to the 115% level that got me into this in the first place.

But people keep calling.

I guess they think I have something to say. Or else I just listen really good.


Raine said...

Or they still have needs. I'm glad your are recovering.

Amanda said...

What is disappointing is how difficult it was to get real help, and how, in the end, I had to find it and do it myself.

That sounds like the story of my life.

But people keep calling.

See above. Good therapists are notoriously hard to find.

Jamie said...

The sciatica thing can really be bad. My son swears by stretching, he has hurt himself working out in many different ways and has always said that stretching heals better than anything. I hope you find the pain relief you need soon.

You are just in demand my friend, and that's a good thing, although I'm not sure what it says for our population.

Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

I Like you and I'm just an anon lurker!