It was MLK's birthday today. It's a national holiday. I took the day off. I can, I run my own business. I respect what he did and what he still stands for.
I take a slightly different stance however. MLK said that all people are equal. I'm for that. He kind of implied that all people are equally important and each person is special. That's where we differ.
Basically, I feel that we are all united by our insignificance. For this I refer you to that Carl Sagan poster. The one that shows that vast blackness of the universe with earth being a tiny blue dot in the corner. We, each of us, is a much, much even more tiny dot down here on earth.
For many of the clients I have seen the basis of their difficulties is their own exaggerated sense of importance. They somehow felt that the world, and those there in it, should take better care of them, or give greater recognition of their achievements, or bless them and keep them, just because they exist. This is especially true now in our "celebrity culture."
Everyone wants to be a star. Most of the stars are idiots. You put up something clever on YouTube. That's good. I'll watch it and smile. You are reading my blog. Thanks.
So many people feeling sorry for themselves. Yes, some of you have been screwed. Some have been given a very bad hand to play with. For those, I will try to give you a break, or a push, or even a couple of dollars. But many of you are just wallowing in it, wasting your time, wasting mine; and I'm getting paid to listen.
Spare me the drama.
We are each very important. I believe in that. But mostly we are important to ourselves, and then to a few people around us. Perhaps we make their lives better, cheerier, or more comfortable. If we do, that's great. That's what it's all about. But that's all there is.
But the world can, and will, get along without any and all of us. In fact, the universe can, and eventually will, get along without out little blue dot. So, don't take it all so seriously. Get on with your life. Take advantage of being alive for the short time you are with us. Be nice to those around you. Do something fun and creative. Whistle a happy tune.
Really, who do you think is important? The President? That's a good one.
Raise your hand if you think he's an asshole.
I see a lot of hands.
MLK, he made a difference. They shot him in the head.
1 comment:
Thank you for the 2x4.
PS. I'm raising both hands, does it count?
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