Monday, February 16, 2009


Most of my friends and I can remember when TV first came out, and we were thrilled with color TV, almost twenty years later. Now, of course there are all kinds of new media, and everyone is a star and a celebrity, and everyone's thoughts and actions need to be monitored and recorded.

Wanting to be hip(is that still a word?) and not left behind some of us got on Twitter for a while to see how exciting out lives are.

The initials have been changed here to protect the guilty.)

AB; home eating cookie, drinking decaf.

BC: home, watching CNN

DE: home, reading The New Yorker

FG: home, hanging around waiting.

HI: driving home

JK: Home,watching re nun of Cheers

LM: home drinking 2nd Scotch

AB: finished eating, cutting skin off my corns.

BC: home, watching CNN

DE: Home, asleep with The New Yorker on my lap

FG: Home, my wife went shopping so I'm having sex with my sister-in-law who moved in last month.

HI: home, eating cold steak-sub

JK: home watching rerun of Seinfeld

LM: 4th scotch, yelling at bad memories


AB: home,reading about illness on Web MD

BC: asleep watching CNN

DE: in bed

FG: My wife is home. We are one big happy family, having a glass of wine together.

HI: home, arguing with wife, but I don't know what it's about

JK: watching rerun of Matlack.

LM: no message

fascinating -- maybe everyone should embellish their reports, just like JK.


KathyA said...

This is quite funny. A lot of the 'twitter' actually is inane, isn't it? Same with Facebook.

Amanda said...

BC ain't bad either. :D

Darlene said...

That is so funny! I thought about Twitter then thought again, lol.

I thought my life was so.....what's the word.......b-o-r-i-n-g.....then I read twitter.

Have a great day!