Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Set Free!

Yes, I promised my few dozen followers that in this new year I would have the time and the intention to set the record straight, and do so with regular blogging at this site.

So, I didn't.  Not yet.

No one has expressed too much disappointment, so I don't feel to guilty.  Especially since I believe that most of my followers are bots.

But I have been set free!  Set free by rejection.
If you remember, I think I wrote about how I presented some of my ideas at our the State Psychological  Conference.  I received such a mixed reaction to that, at the urging of my Division's program co-chairperson, I submitted a more extensive version for the national conference.

I guess she urged others also, because I was informed there were many, many submissions and mine was not chosen as one that the members would most want to attend.

Of course not!  That's why I submitted it.  They need to hear what is really going on.  They need to stop being so insulated and praiseworthy of group-think.

But now I'm free.  I no longer have to alter my thinking to be acceptable.  I no longer have to submit to any committees and try to follow the rules and submit the forms.

Now, when I get around to it, I start telling you all how it is.  A Psychological Memoir --Past, Present and Future.

But right now, we have left the not so cold weather of New England and tomorrow I am going to the beach.

Like always, the truth will have to wait.

Take care of yourselves until then.

Or, if you're a bot, unplug and then plug back in a minute later.

1 comment:

Forsythia said...

Most of my readers are bots too.