Tuesday, May 15, 2007


That last post. I'm pretty sure I wrote about that situation before. I can't even find it myself, but I know I wrote about it when my client was able to assert herself and get the harassment to stop.

But, like so many things that go on in my profession, and in life, change comes with great difficulty. Problems that are solved can come back. Sometimes they take a different form, sometimes they come right back at you.

Part of what we are supposed to believe is that if something is difficult to do, especially something social, such as speaking in front of groups, making cold calls, asserting yourself, meeting new people, confronting someone's anger, or seducing women, that doing it, and then doing it again, will make it easier.

It turns out that such is not always true. You make that big presentation, you do a decent job, but still, you never want to do it again. You stand up to that bully, and you get your head beaten in.

Problems can be solved; it is much more difficult to really reach in there and change people.


Anonymous said...

You did. I looked for it because I was curious as to how long a time had lapsed, and thought how awful it is that your client was still dealing with this. Or dealing with it again.

"Bad Things" Monday, 16th April.

Also, thanks for taking the time to share as you do.

Amanda said...

Change can only take place if the person wants to change badly enough. Even then it will be difficult. But not impossible.

Ms. Meander said...

it's so apropos to my own life that you're writing about this right now, repeat or not. (and yes, it's a repeat, when i first found your blog i read all the way back to the beginning to get caught up)

my neighbor woman, with whom i broke ties a couple of years ago due to various things but mainly due to my policy against having friendships with people who actively dislike my children...she ran into my yard this morning, begged me out of my car and then bear-hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder, for no apparent reason. i'm at an utter loss about what to do next. i mean, i'm pretty stupid about relating to other women to begin with. i have *no idea* what my next move is supposed to be. i'm probably supposed to call her, or go over there with a coffee cake or something, and ask her what's the matter. i'd rather drink battery acid.

Anonymous said...

wow, i read the first line as "this is my last post" - i had to read it three times to really read it!

glad it's not your last post!