Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I've been away for a week and they changed the whole blogging format.  I'm disoriented.  I don't know if I can make sense in this box that hardly has borders. Perhaps my mind will slip outside the borders and rush away, out of control, down corridors of my building, bothering the people in the insurance agency, or the other doctors, or the bank investigators who are rarely seen, and when they do show up they wheel in those metal cases.  What do they really know?  Could they have prevented much of this if they really investigated?  My mind wants to know.

She, that woman who seriously thinks she is running for President of the USA, actually said that getting a vaccine to prevent cancer will cause mental retardation? She believes in a non-influential government, but she doesn't believe in science, or health.

What does this say about the education system of America that people don't come up and demand that she go back to fourth grade.  How does anyone take anything seriously if this is condoned?

When did Congress pass the law that rich people are right and poor people are wrong?  That seems to be the law of the land now.  I know several rich people who believe that. I have spoken to them, and I am not impressed with their ideas -- or their values.

I have patients who are poor and their lives are very difficult.  I have patients who are rich and their lives are very stressful.  I don't have happy patients; that's not my job.

But why be cynical on this beautiful day, which could be one of the last beautiful warm days of summer?

Because if you're not cynical they take your money, they tell lies, they get away with cheating, and they change the rules. 

They are the corporations, the government, the churches, the elites, the rabble, the immigrants, the prejudiced.

They are everyone but me and you.


Amanda said...

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Forsythia said...

Poor Michelle. She's so confused. It's the cocktail of vaccines that babies and toddlers get that "cause" mental retardation and autism. Except that they don't. But try telling that to a friend with OCD who would rather put her child at risk for measles than get the vaccine. A total pox on the "scientist" who misled the public with the bogus "results" he published in LANCET.

Michelle blew her cover when she characterized the 12-year-old girl forced to get the vaccine as "innocent". As if getting the vaccine would immediately turn the child into a promiscuous sex machine. My dad was kind of like that. He refused, back in 1958, to let me stay out all night the night of the prom with the other kids. Afraid, I guess, that I'd be pregnant by sunrise. I'm still mad about it. Do you think it's time to get over it? :-)