Friday, October 07, 2011

Greatness has no time for football

If almost everyone was as driven and creative as Steve Jobs no one would make much money.

If everyone THOUGHT they were as creative as Steve Jobs no one would make any money.

It takes drive, passion and focus to be someone like the late Steve Jobs.  Most creative people have great generativity:  they have many, many ideas, some of them are brilliant and many of them are a waste of time.  But what makes those people different than others is that they just keep on going.

I have had patients like that -- if they are not successful, if their ideas don't work, or even if the ideas are good but they can't find a way to get them developed or publicized, then they are diagnosed as bipolar- just someone whose mind is racing.  If one of their ideas work then they become a success; if two hit it then they are geniuses. Steve Jobs had more than two.

I believe (almost) anyone  can do (almost) anything they want if they put their mind, body, time, energy, passion and soul into it.

But they probably won't be able to do much else. I somehow don't think Mr. Jobs went to a lot of Sunday bar-b-ques with is buddies and watched a lot of football.  Everything comes with trade-offs.

or maybe he was a Jets fan.

1 comment:

Lena said...

I loved this. It gave me the chills.