Monday, February 12, 2007

A day back

Interesting, getting back into it.

9:00, She did bring home a cat. Should she keep it, knowing she will turn her life over to it?

10:00 Family fights all over the place, started by the sister's boyfriend, ended by the ex-husband coming in and breaking someone's nose. She wonders why she still has panic attacks. But, she has resolved to get everyone but her daughter out of the house. I will stay on her to do so.

!!:00 He does have a job interview arranged. He got another speeding ticket and has to take a class. He wonders how strange he really is.

Noon: Laura, after three weeks sober. I went away. She felt so in control of her life she treated herself to two drinks. Called him up, had three days of drinking, fighting and screwing. I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed.

!:00 Came last Monday,while I was away. Forgot this week.

2:00 She got more work done while I was away than I expected (she runs her own business) She didn't pursue him, but found two other guys to go out with to fill the time. Can she do without him? Them?

3:00 He began to tell the live-in mother of his child that he expected her to pay for some of the groceries, especially now that she is paying for the $30K car. He finally expressed himself. She moved to a different bedroom and isn't talking.

4:00 The kid admits that when he is playing video games, and he loses, which happens every day for three weeks until he can win the game, he is angry and frustrated and he takes it out on his family. Mother says she can't get him off the game and has caught him at 2 AM yelling at the screen. Games banned until April vacation.

5:00 34 year-old realizing that he has gone a month without talking to mother and he is beginning to feel almost adequate. The guilt remains, but is less intense.

Came home to learn that I had to finish the laundry from the trip. Wife had cooked the meal, my job to clean up. Daughter and son safely returned from various corners of USA. (Knowledge came through text messages). No one seemed to be in a good mood.

I will explain the deep psychological and physiological etiology of all of this in future posts. Now I am going to bed.


Curtis and Shae said...

I am guessing this is a day in the life of you...a therapist. Since I haven't read your blog previously, I don't know that for a fact...but I can make an assumption I guess. It is very interesting for me to see...and I enjoy reading about what goes on day to day. As an undergrad in psychology, and an upcoming psychologist it is very inspiring to hear your point of view. Thanks.

TGS said...

Nice to see you blogging, Therapist!

What really got me in this post is the fact you text message! Now, I'm not saying you are "old, old," but you lead us on to believe you are somewhat past 50. And that, right there, has me laughing that you know how to text message, as most over the age of 40 don't!

TGS said...

Oh, I forgot to ask you, in relation to the text messages: Do you see any problems with families, friends, fights, battles, etc. with text messages? Everyone where I am from text messages like crazy, so I am just curious.


Amanda said...

I was the 1 o'clock appointment. I'm sorry about that. :)

Anonymous said...

So glad your back & despite the fact that some folks missed their appointments & others seemed unchanged, reverted and/or improved...I'm sure all of your patients missed you much.

Vacation time is allows us to make a change, even if short-lived.

I think that it is interesting that most patrons focus on their problems with their relationships with others, as opposed to their relationships with themselves. And, I wonder if they are aware of this when they first arrive or if it is you that has to lead them that way.

Glad your back!

Anonymous said...

Although I find you blog interesting in a voyueristic kind of way, are'nt you worried about breaking the confidentiality of your patients?