Sunday, July 22, 2007


Today was a splendid warm, clear summer day. The sun beamed down strongly through a few puffy white clouds. The warm summer light highlighted the many colorful flowers and the deep green of the leaves. I sat on the deck and felt fortunate to have time on such a day.

My mind was struck with the vividness and clarity of the world around me, yet I questioned, where and when had I experienced this intensity before?

Then I realized: today things were almost as clear as they are on HDTV. Maybe the 3-D effects were a little better, but the general color and contrast were not quite as sharp. The shadows that were cast by the trees were slightly confusing, and the close-ups were unremarkable.

The other thing I realized was that the plot wasn't nearly as good, just a couple of cars going by. And most of the people weren't as good looking.

No commercials; well, that isn't really true either.


Jamie said...

Perhaps you should have used your remote to change the programming...

ania said...

There's a very interesting Diane Rehm Show on right now (Tuesday July 24, 2007).

Joshua Coleman: "When Parents Hurt" (Collins)
A clinical psychologist offers advice to parents who have difficult relationships with their adult children.

It doesn't have a link yet, because it's airing live, but it should be archived and linked later today. This is the show's page, Diane Rehm Show.

I know that this is a topic (with patients on either side of the deal) that you've discussed here, and so thought I'd share.

Take care.

Patty said...

Thanks Therapists, for giving me amunition against getting HDTV. Many people's view of this beautiful world is already skewed and they don't need my television reception adding to the mix.

Often times fuzzy reception is a much kinder way to go don't ya think?