Monday, November 12, 2007

diminishd blogging

Yep, It's been a while. For a couple of reasons.

First, I've been off doing other things. I have begun to figure out how, or if, I can slightly change my career and make use of my many years of experience is a slightly different way. To do that I've set out to visit with other therapists. I have had to organize my thought for that, and that has kept me away from organizing my thoughts for this.

The second point is related to that. Blogging requires a certain kind of mindset that I don't always have. this kind of technology produces quick, clever thought bites, or almost free-association, or stream-of-consciousness thoughts. Often, as you may have seen sometimes, that gets me in trouble. I begin to see things in too much detail, or want to explain the seven contributing causes. Then when I begin I find that the seven causes each have five qualifiers. By then the post is too long and nobody wants to read it.

The third thing is that there is too much information. I get magazines, newspapers, journals, emails, books, and I like to go on line and read all of you blogs to see how your lives are going and what you're all thinking. I also want to see my wife and kids and both my friends. Can't do it all, and begin a new project.

So I stopped doing everything and watched the Red Sox and spaced out for a while.

Now I back, maybe. I'll see.
I kind of miss it, but I also feel I want to put more thought and structure into some of the stuff I write and that doesn't always lend itself to a blog.

But I hope you're all well and will take a real interest in finding a way for this country to get really good health care and less in be involved in less destruction of all kinds. Those would both make my job a lo easier.


Anonymous said...

Soo glad that you are back I really missed ya!

Please do not change the way that you write. Your being analytical is what I enjoy most about this blog. Honestly that is something that I miss particularly in newspapers and on television. Its all about the soundbite these days but many things cannot be condensed into 10 seconds. (I was the kid who would take home old bound copies of Newsweek and Time magazine when the library was throwing them out. I managed to get through them all: 1960 up until the 1990's. I always liked the older ones with the 10 page articles.)

I first saw your blog from 4th avenue blues and over the course of the next week went back and read all the archives and the better part of the comments. There have been some strong reactions (have you not been posting the stronger ones or what?) but it has always seemed to stay in the realm of very engaged discussion. Which is good. We are all grown folks here and I think can agree to disagree

Jamie said...

I have missed you too, Therapist, but I certainly understand. You do what is best for you life. I have learned from you and for that, I thank you. Whatever you do, peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. It gives me a chance to experience the path I sometimes think I should have pursued in life. Re the qualifiers, causes and info overload, there needs to be an "off" button for the mind.

Ms. Meander said...

i understand completely. crickets are chirping at my blogs, too. it goes in phases. sometimes, i almost *need* that sort of thing, but other times..yeah. i do love reading your posts so i jump over here every couple of days to see if there's anything new, just in case. but life goes on, not always in a direction that's conducive to blogging regularly.

i don't expect things to cycle back around for me, writing wise, until at least January. and if The Good Thing I Can't Talk About Lest I Jinx It happens as it could, then January might be cancelled for writing, too. i won't grieve if it is.

Amanda said...

Life is a bitch and then you die.