Monday, November 26, 2007

Where did he go?

A large part of therapy is building a relationship with the client. It makes everything work. It is important that people feel I am there when they need me.

Often, when they no longer need me they are gone. That's fine, but it sometimes feels a but strange. I mean... I thought this was a relationship.

But really, it is only a professional relationship. I give out support, guidance, insight, and help you explore new options, and you give me money ( or let your insurance do it).

But I want to know the rest of the story.

Do you like your new job? Did you get the new house re-financed? Is the baby healthy? Is the kid better behaved? Are you coping with your step-father. With your wife? With your memories?

People call back, two years later, when something else is going on.

I should call them, as a follow-up. But there is no time, especially this time of year.


Jamie said...

See, this is proof that you guys DO care. Take the time to call will be helping the name of THERAPISTS everywhere. :)

Lena said...

Do you let your clients know that you would like them to follow up? Maybe asking them to drop you a note letting you know how things are going would open up that door.

I don't think most people would think to be in touch like that.

Patty said...

Maybe getting in touch with you would seem like revisiting something that they would rather forget?

Maybe they have put you up on a pedestal and think you are above needing to put closure on things?

Try doing what I do and trust that no news is good news...

Anonymous said...

maybe i don't follow up because i've already used up the few sessions my EAP approved and i don't have the co-pay available to use for just checking in...

dunno about your patients but sometimes pesky little details like that one matter to people like me...and what patty said

Bongo said...

Some therapists stay in "the box"
follow the rules. Some move out of their comfort zone and show they care.
Do that ! show it. Someone you have touched longs to let you know.
I have known the ones who have stepped out of "the box" they made a difference , they mattered and I mattered.

Dr. Cyane said...

My therapist is a reminder of my having to reach out for help. Even if I'm appreciative of the work we've done together, I am happy to move on and forget that I, once again, had to have my head shrunk. Non-communication seems logical for me.